Affiliate API


API Key Required

Please contact your account manager to receive a key in order to use this API

The affiliate API exposes models data so that they can be used on external websites. The easiest way to get started is using the API Reference from which the API can be tested and which provides code examples. The API Reference contains documentation for all fields.

This guide will provide a high level walk-through the API. Use the API Reference for detailed documentation of all the URL and field definitions

GET /affiliates/v1/models


usernameSearch models by username
tagSearch models by tag
languageSearch models by spoken language
genderSearch models by gender. These are categories on the frontpage
sortsorting direction, either asc or desc
orderfield to order by, only field viewer is available right now
statusSearch models by status. For example all live models
limitSpecifies the maximum number of items that may be returned for a single request. max 250
offsetSpecifies the starting point from which to return the items


model.avatarURL to the profile photo of the model
links.affiliate_urlAffiliate URL which contains tracking parameters for revenue sharing
embed.stream_urlURL for the embedded show that can be used in the iframe
room.thumbnail_urlThumbnail image of the current show. This is only available when the show is online


  "model": {
    "id": "a49f9b7f-ae04-4dd2-8fb5-b74f122c86de",
    "username": "examplemodel",
    "name": "Model Example Name",
    "avatar": "",
    "age": 28,
    "gender": "other",
    "country": null,
    "level": 0,
    "followers": 123,
    "spoken_languages": [
    "tags": [
  "links": {
    "affiliate_url": "",
    "room_url": ""
  "embed": {
    "stream_url": "",
    "room_url": null,
    "room_url_revshare": null
  "room": {
    "subject": "Come and let's have fun together #masturbation",
    "viewers": 0,
    "thumbnail": null,
    "status": "offline"

Paging through results using offset and limit

By default the API will only return the first 100 items. To get a different set of items, you can use the offset and limit parameters in the query string of the GET request.

To page through the available items, first start with limit=0 then subsequent requests with increasing offsets and a fixed limit

../modelsReturns the first 100 models (default limit is 100)
../models?limit=250Returns the first 250 models
../models?limit=5&offset=5Returns models 5...10
../models?offset=10Returns models 10...110 (default limit is 100)

What’s Next

Try out the API through the API Reference page!