Registration API

Registration API Key Required

Please contact your account manager to receive a key in order to use this API

Rate Limits

The Registration API is subject to rate limiting. Every API key has it's own rate limit, which may be adjusted depending on application specific needs.
Exceeding these rate limits consistently will lead to your API key being revoked.

To prevent exceeding your rate limit, your application will need to read and use the HTTP headers prefixed with X-RateLimit.

Successful response rate limit headers

Each response that isn't a 429 HTTP status code from the Registration API will include the following headers:

  • X-RateLimit-Limit
    • The maximum number of requests you are allowed to make for the provided API Key
  • X-RateLimit-Remaining
    • The number of requests remaining in the current rate limit window
  • X-RateLimit-Reset
    • The time remaining until the next rate limit window, at which the remaining number of requests resets back to the limit
  • X-RateLimit-Policy
    • The currently active rate limit policy for your API key, which has the following format:
      • ${limit};w=${window}, where ${limit} contains the maximum number of requests for the time ${window} in seconds
      • EG. X-RateLimit-Policy: 20;w=60: A rate limit of 20 requests per window of 60 seconds.

Rate limit exceeded header

Should your application exceed the rate limit, your request will be rejected with a 429 HTTP status (too many requests).

In case of a 429 response, only the following header is present in the response:

  • X-RateLimit-Retry-After
    • The time in seconds until the rate limit window resets
    • Attempting to perform additional requests before the window has expired will result in additional penalties applied to your API key

POST /account/v1/registration

POST Body Payload

usernameyesThe user's username
passwordnoThe user's password
emailyesThe user's email address
lpnoThe source this registration originates from
utmParamsnoRelevant UTM tracking parameters for this registration


successWhether this request succeeded or not
authTokenThe auto-login token for the newly registered user
loginUrlThe entire parameteratized auto-login url for the newly registered user
messageThe error message, if the request was unsuccessful

Success Response

    "success": true,
    "authToken": "a-64-character-auth-token-1234567890123456789012345678901234",
    "loginUrl": ""

Error Response

    "success": false,
    "message": "Username unavailable"