Embed shows using <iframe />

Embedding Cherry.tv streams on your own website using i-frames

Cherry.tv shows can be embedded on your own website using an i-frame. There are several version available which will be demonstrated below


The following URL's are available to use

https://cherry.tv/embed/{username}Embed show for a specific model. Replace {username} with the username of the model. For example https://cherry.tv/embed/cherrytv
https://cherry.tv/embed/topRotates the top models which are currently online


The selection of shows that is being shown can be filtered by adding query parameters. For example https://cherry.tv/embed/top?tags=masturbation will only rotate shows that include the masturbation tag.

The following filters are available:

tagsComma separated list of tags to filter?tags=masturbation

Extra Parameters

For tracking purposes extra parameters can be added to the URL. These extra parameters will be forwarded when the user clicks on the iframe and redirects to the cherry.tv personal model page. To add these additional parameters simply add query parameters to the URL.

For example adding ?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_term=iframe will result in the following URL https://cherry.tv/embed/exampleuser1?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_term=iframe. Then when the user clicks on the show these parameters will be forwarded and the user will be redirected to https://cherry.tv/exampleuser1?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_term=iframe in a new browser window.

Available Parameters

(These parameters will be provided by your account manager)

ref_affidYour Affiliate ID
ref_oidTracking ID
utm_*UTM parameters
adv2Advertiser ID

Code Examples

Embedding the show requires an HTML snippet that contains an <iframe> which points to one of the previously described embed URL's

The exact HTML code varies on your own requirements. This guide will only describe the most common ways to embed a show using an iframe

Basic Version

The simplest way to embed a show is simplify adding an <iframe> tag and specifying the src attribute

<iframe src="https://cherry.tv/embed/top" />

Styling the iframe

The default i-frame will in most cases not be the correct size and contains a border. This can be changed using the style attribute. In the following example the size can be modified by changing the width and height from 100px to a size that fits on your website

  style="width: 100px; height: 100px; border: 0;"

Correctly sizing the iframe

The video streams maintain a 16:9 aspect ratio. When using a custom iframe size it is advised to maintain a 16:9 aspect ratio else the videoplayer will resize the stream to fill the available space in the iframe. This might cause the video to be slightly zoomed in.
